

Applied Music Audition – Voice

In order to receive Applied Voice lessons through MUSC 039G, you will need to audition by submitting a public or unlisted YouTube link of you singing one piece from the classical, musical theater, or jazz repertoire.

Please make sure to use either live accompaniment or an accompaniment track. A cappella singing is NOT allowed.

Please submit your video via the Google form below preferably by Tuesday, August 20 at noon . If you need additional time, please discuss with Professor Lou De La Rosa.

If you plan to take Applied Voice this semester you are required to concurrently enrolled in Concert Choir. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Professor Lou De La Rosa, Performing Arts Department Chair and Director of Choral & Vocal Music.

Instrumental Audition
  • Applied Instrumental Music
  • Jazz Ensemble
  • Symphonic Band
  • Symphony Orchestra (Winchester Orchestra)

Students must create a video recording of your audition and upload to a private YouTube channel or cloud-based storage (such as Dropbox, Drive, iCloud, OneDrive, etc.), then send the link to Professor Troy Davis for review at troy.davisFREEWEST_VALLEY

Please play the following:

  1. 2 major scales and 2 minor scales of your choice.
  2. One piece of solo literature for your instrument (this can be a sonata, concerto, solo from a piece of band or orchestra music, in popular or classical styles). If you're auditioning for jazz, this should be one chorus of a standard, which includes one chorus of you improvising (no backing track is necessary).
Concert Choir Now Open to ALL!

To include more students in the act of making music, we are drawing the circle wider by immediately eliminating the audition requirement for the Concert Choir this year. Professor De La Rosa has taught choir for many years and can teach anyone to read music and sing in a group. Come experience the joy of singing this Fall.

MUSC 042: Concert Choir | TTh 2:05 PM - 3:30 PM in MU-12

You are encouraged to connect with Professor De La Rosa, but an audition for choir is no longer necessary.